Wednesday 8 January 2014

Day 8

January 8th. Quiet day and just a short post today, both Luke and I were pretty tired due to medications. I did a half session in gym, practiced some more writing in OT and practiced balancing while sitting in physio. I did have my two friends from high school, Steph and Lauren, visit this afternoon and they brought cupcakes for me!

Today I had the rest of my Christmas present from Luke turn up... 3 beautiful bracelets! Somehow a picture of the first bracelet popped up on my Facebook news feed and I fell in love, mostly because of the saying on the bracelet, 'Time is what you make of it'. As I scrolled through the page for 'Emilie Maree Jewellery & Accessories' every bracelet was amazing,  but two stood out the most - a simple white one, and a brown leather bracelet with the saying 'Where there's a will there's a way'. These two sayings almost made me cry, they meant a lot to my current situation. In the next breath I told Luke I knew what I wanted for Christmas! This is a bit of a promo for the page, which you can find at Emilie is a great woman, she is super promt with replying to comments and messages, her products are fabulous, and she is prompt with postage as well! Please check out her page, like it and maybe even purchase something! If you do, be sure to mention you were referred by me, Elise S! (There may be a special reward for me if a certain number of people purchase so make sure you do!) I promise you won't regret purchasing, the photos do not do these bracelets justice!


  1. You are amazing. I look forward to the next update.

  2. You are amazing. I look forward to the next update.

  3. Just ordered some bracelets Elise and said that you recommended them. They are very nice.

  4. I don't know you personally Elise but I know your Mum through WWA & have met both her and your dad. You are an amazing young lady and I wish you all the best for 2014, with many miracles to come.

    1. Thanks Jill, yes I know your name! All the best to you for this year as well
