Saturday 11 January 2014

Day 11

January 11th. I was reading through my friend Sammy's blog a few days ago, and came across THIS post. Considering it had the number 11 in it I thought I'd save it for the 11th, and conveniently there's not much to report today! So thanks for the general nomination Sammy, and everyone go check out her blog,

Here are the rules:
1. Acknowledge your nominating blogger (tick!)
2. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer your nominating Blogger 11 questions that they provided for you.
4. Pick 11 Bloggers to nominate for this award.
5. Post 11 questions of your own for those 11 Bloggers to answer for you.

~Eleven things you may or may not know about me~

1. My name is Elise Sarah Summerton, and will soon be Elise Sarah Kennedy...

2. I've already got my wedding dress!

3. I love oysters Kilpatrick, but they've gotta be done right! I don't know how to describe what right is, I just know that Tony at the Comfort Inn Manhattan in Enfield does the best ones!

4. Luke proposed to me after he'd asked me in no uncertain terms to 'clean the house and make sure all the washing is done' before he got home! 

5. My childhood obsession was Hilary Duff. I had all her albums, most of her movies on DVD, I even did my year 6 or 7 free choice project on her!

6. My bed-friend since I was in ICU right up til now is my teddy Kingston, see the picture! Luke and I got him when we stayed the night in a big fancy suite in the Langham Hotel in Melbourne last July. I've only spent a few nights without him, he didn't miss a single night with me while I was in the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

7. Secondary to the Hilary Duff obsession I borrowed a copy of A Cinderella Story from a friend years ago,  had it for about 3 months and I think it was 38 times I watched the movie.

8. I still remember the day at the local footy and netball my sister and I played a game, not sure what kind of game looking back (!), where we would crawl in the boot of the car with a little torch, then swap over. Until she properly shut me in there and I don't know how but she forgot about me and I screamed and cried until a man heard me and rescued me!

9. Luke was actually my boss when I met him!

10. I'm very fussy with food, you'll be lucky to see me eat many other pizzas than a meatlovers, no salami of course!

11. I love a good foot massage! 

Answers to Sammy's questions

1. If you had one day with Luke, what would you do?
Before - if we met in Pinnaroo I'd definitely take him to the playground, maybe have a picnic. Now - might still do the picnic but also (by said time) maybe I'll have found or even written a kids book to familiarise him with wheelchairs somehow...

2. The tagline of my blog is Love Life Luke. Please unpack each of these and tell me what they mean to you.
Love - what our relationships,  friendships, families are built around. It's precious,  and when you truly find it in a partner, never let it go.
Life - very, very precious. You, literally,  don't know what is around the corner that could easily take life away.
Luke - the best thing that's happened to me! My Luke I mean!

3. If you were colour blind and could only see three colours for the rest of your life, but got to choose, what would they be and why?
Blue, it's my favorite colour! Would also mean I can see the colour of the sky and the ocean and Luke's eyes.
Yellow, so many warnings and caution signs and such are yellow, I'd want to know what to look out for.
Green, so much of landscapes are green, trees, grass, I'd hate to miss out on it.

4. I’m coming for dinner. What are we having?
At the moment, spaghetti bolognase or burritos! Theyre the two main things I've practiced cooking as a part of rehab.

5. What was your greatest childhood fear and how did you overcome it? Or does it still haunt you?
The biggest fear I can think of is of spiders! And there's no big triumph story, they still scare me no matter how small. 

6. Halloween – yay or nay. Discuss.
Not in Australia,  its a very American thing... I dont even know what the point is apart from dressing up and bugging neighbours for candy...

7. What is your heritage… by percentage?
Not sure, mostly English, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

8. What is the furtherest you would travel in a day to see a good friend?
Probably as far as Pinnaroo to Adelaide, about 250kms!

9. How far have you been from home?
On family holidays, Brisbane or Perth or Alice Springs, whichever is furthest!

10. Hendrik just walked in and asked me “mau mimi?” – what do you think it means? Be creative. No google translate (good luck with that anyway!).
What's for dinner? ??!

11. You have won a holiday house in any destination of choice. Where is your house and why?
Somewhere that's warm all year round, neither of us handle the cold that well anymore... can't think of anywhere specific.

Eleven bloggers to ‘nominate’
This is a bit different, except for the last 'nominee' the others are people I've looked at as inspiration or to see how their stories played out if they've got similar injuries to me. Go google them.

1. Jordan Bone -

2. Rachelle Friedman Chapman, the 'paralyzed bride'

3. Beau Vernon -

4. Push Girls, tv show, I've watched a few clips but am yet to watch the whole show.

5. - 10. Anyone with a spinal cord injury at any level

11. My only nomination - you! Whether you already have one or start a blog, or simply answer the questions in a comment or message to me.

My questions

1. What is one thing you dream of doing before it's too late? 

2. If you or one of your family members had to use a wheelchair, what's one modification you think your house would need?

3. What is one of the happiest moments of your life? 

4. What's your biggest pet hate? 

5. What's your dream holiday destination? 

6. Say YOU had to be in a wheelchair, what colour would yours be?!

7. If you could tell your parents what to name you when you were born, what name would you choose? (Must be a different name to yours now!)

8. If you were stuck on a desert island with one person of your choosing,  who would it be and why? Dead or alive, celebrity or someone you know.

9. What do you think is the hardest thing about being in a wheelchair?

10. If you could go back in time and meet one person who would it be and why?

11. If you could ask me one question, what would it be?

Like I said, even if you don't have a blog, feel free to answer in the comments, even if its only to answer question 11. I promise to answer every question asked!


  1. I've spent the afternoon looking at the first 3 blogs which Elise mentioned above. They are very interesting if you'd like more insight into the challenges & achievements of other young people who have a spinal cord injury. [Coincidentally Jordan lives near where Elise's Grandpa comes from & some of his family still live!]
    I managed to answer most of her questions but as I'm not a blogger I sent them to her in an email :)

  2. Hi Elise

    I'm a writer from Take 5 magazine in Sydney, one of Australia's top womens weekly publications - we were very moved and inspired to read your and Luke's story in the Sunday Mail and would very much like to share your story in the magazine. It is a great way to raise awareness about the challenges you are facing and how you cope in every day life.
    We would pay you a fee for your involvement of course and ensure your story was read to you before publication to make sure you are happy with it.
    It would be great to have a chat to you about this in more detail so please feel free to either call me on 0280915240 or email me with your contact number on and I will give you a call.

    Many thanks
    Beth King

    Take 5
    Bauer Media
    54-58 Park St
    Sydney 2000
