Wednesday 1 January 2014

Day 1

January 1st. Well we welcomed in the new year in a very different way... in wheelchairs. And not by choice! If you don't know already, my fiance, Luke, and I were travelling home to the farm on September 19, 2013 when our lives were turned upside down. A lady was driving on our side of the road as we came to a corner and hit us head on. Luke sustained a broken hip, pelvis, both feet and a whole lot of facial fractures which required 18 metal plates in his face, a few in his hip and now a couple in his right foot too. I broke my femur, but that hasn't even been thought about because I also had my neck broken at the C5/C6 level, which basically means my arms and wrists work fine, but my fingers and everything below my chest has been paralyzed.

I'm lucky because in the last 3 and a half months I have regained some movement in my right side - fingers, toes and a little in my leg! My left side hasn't caught on yet though! Luke is doing as well as can be, he is battling an infection in his foot as well as a massive amount of continual pain but he is still my rock as usual!

This is my second attempt at a Project 365, the first try didn't go very well! This one is a lot more meaningful though. We are going to have an amazing year, despite the big hiccup. We are going to live the lives we planned, and 2014 will hold many big things... soon getting out of hospital and beginning our lives again, but also... a wedding! You're going to have to wait until September 20 for that one though!

I hope by doing this, you will be able to see that yeah, this is sucky, but no matter how upset/angry/much we think and wish it shouldn't have happened it is not going to change the fact. We can only stay strong together and make the most of the situation we are in. We can only take the little or even big victories, hold them dear when the times get rough, and keep pushing through to the next beautiful day. I hope that by doing this you can be grateful for every thing in your life, don't take it for granted that you can walk, talk, pick something up, feed yourself, cough or even sneeze properly! All of those things I couldn't do at some point and when I could, by gosh it was like man walked on the moon! All except for the walking of course,  but maybe one day that will happen again. No one knows, only time will tell, but even if I don't,  I'm still alive with an amazing family and community around me,  but more so the love of my life is still with me and together we can do anything.


  1. Issy, You are such an inspiration and so very beautiful!! :) Keep being your precious self, for that is who i love the most! Luke, even though i dont know you all that well, you are so strong and so incredible as well! :) keeping fighting, don't give up and keep that beautiful smile on your faces!! Love always. felicity xoxox

    1. Itty, you'll just have to come over and meet Luke! You are just as incredible, much love xoxo

  2. So proud of your achievements so far Elise and it has been a privilege to share your journey since the hiccup! Loved meeting Luke a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty obvious very quickly how much you mean to each other! Looking forward to sharing all the ups and downs if 2014 with you! Praying for many more ups tHan downs!!

    1. Auntie Kaye, thank you again for the pampering! Im sure there will be more ups but then again, the downs make the ups that much higher!

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    1. Auntie Ktrina you guys have been through so much you didn't deserve either! Can't wait for you to meet Luke and I can't wait to see you all again xo

  4. Inspirational!!! Cannot wait to see the year unfold
