Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 40

February 9th. My sister, Joanna, got back from her 6 weeks overseas today! Mum and Dad picked her up and came out to see me this afternoon. Best thing was she brought Luke and I chocolate from England!! And sorry Joanna, we like the first one we shared so I don't think you'll get the other one back! I got a Body Shop shower gel too which I love the smell of. I got to hear all about Joanna's trip and showed her my leg movement which she hadn't seen! Luke brought me in dinner and it's an early night for both of us.

And (shameless promotion) I've got a whole lot of Body Shop products from being a party consultant that I've put a sale on, the list is on Facebook but if you're not, email me at if you're interested!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elise,
    Corey told me you are writing a blog for everyday of the year ( I don't have Facebook, so I didn't think I could follow you). I went to the library today and mum to me I could follow your blog on google. I spent the afternoon reading your blog. I enjoyed following your journey, it had me in tears and also made me smile. You are both an inspiration, keep on smiling! Love Tiff xx
