Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 55-89... Where did all that time go?!

30th March. Sorry to keep you hanging for the next post,  I really didn't mean for it to go so long without an update!  I've had a busy few of weeks, but no major achievements to report, lots of therapies and a couple home stays... I finally get to stay overnight! Life has been getting into a fairly consistent routine now, a bit of a plateau, as they call it, until the next achievements begin.

Every day has been busy with the daily routine of FES bike, or hydro, followed by gym, in which I've had a couple of 'wheelchair skills' sessions with my instructor Richard (who is a paraplegic) practicing getting over little steps and starting to find my balance point in a wheel stand! I have OT some days but my sessions have reduced because I have achieved most of my OT goals and Kate has gone away for a couple of weeks too.

After lunch is still physio, but I've got a new physiotherapist because mine has gone taking students for 5 weeks so they've shuffled us to one of the other physios. Before the changeover, I went on the TheraStride for the first time, it's a big treadmill-harness contraption which requires 4 physios to carry out! The physios move my legs in a walking motion and I try to do what I can to help, and is noticeable in my right leg!! I have now been on it 3 times, and I'm slowly getting used to it, but it's a very weird feeling... I've basically forgotten how to walk. My main focus is learning to transfer. I'm slowly comprehending the technique and building the specific strength required but it is still something I am working on everyday. I have gone from needing two assisting to one person assisting majority of the time so that must mean I'm doing something right!

Another note as to why I haven't been posting lately, everything seemed to slow down all at one. That, combined with the lingering reality I am still accepting as the new normal, has been a mental struggle in which I am truly lucky to have the support of Luke and others around me. Motivation levels have been lacking but I'm hoping that the next week or two will see them return to where they were before.

I was very appreciative of Vicky the last few weeks, she is the peer support advocate at Hampstead. She introduced me to Kelly, another C6 quadriplegic who lives on her own, works, drives, etc. We went out for dinner and it was an amazing chance to hear it from someone of similar function, who is 15 years post injury that life does go on! I also met Yvette, a paraplegic, on Friday with a last minute invitation to join net and Vicky for lunch. Yvette is 5 years post-injury and has a 9 month old son who is gorgeous and smiled at me and not Vicky!!

I've received some beautiful gifts, particularly a gorgeous quilt from Mrs Hancock and Mrs Fischer, some colourful clothes from my auntie, and a few lovely letters and cards (please don't worry if I didn't mention yours, this part I am writing late at night!). Please know I do receive them,  I'm sorry I don't reply in any way but I am so touched by the support. My parents tell me often of the list of people every day that have asked how Luke and I are going and that send their love. I look forward to catching up with you all soon!!

This week is again busy in a routine way but next weekend I promise there will be another update!! Much love to you all, thank you for still following along with our journey, even though I dropped off for a while!

Ps please know if you are having trouble commenting, don't hesitate to try again (my top is to copy what you've typed before you press post so that if it doesn't work you can just paste it rather than type it all again!). Otherwise, don't hesitate to email, Facebook (again I Sorry for the slack replying I'm doing on there too!), or pass the message through my parents or sisters, however works for you!

30th March - Luke's dessert invention - hot cross buns with chocolate eggs and custard! 

20th March - Cara and I have matching shoes! One day I'll get a photo with her face not her feet So You can 'meet' her! 

16th March - 6 months regrowth of my bald patch!  

28th March - I tied my hair to the side! It was a bit loose so didn't last long!!

Thursday mornings - the TheraStride! Am yet to ask for a photo all strapped in but it may not be possible for the physios are occupied supporting me!

6th March - my Betty Boop PJ's, thank you Mrs Sharrad!

3rd March - my first time baking (rather than cooking). I made choc chip cookies! I was lucky to have my OT bring in her KitchenAid mixer which is exactly the same as mine!


  1. Luke!! really?? hot cross buns in custard! guess you don't know until you try it - will let you know when we'll be there :)

  2. Very interesting dessert. Keep taking shots. You'll get there.xx

  3. Hi Elise, great update. I am doing this on the phone whilst waiting to get HAY unloaded. I am impressed with Lukes dessert, especially as on the little sort of preview photo it looked quite disgusting!!! I thought it was one of Sammys vet prac photos!

  4. Hi Elise. Helen Pritchard here. So glad to read your blogs and catch up with your progress. We had your grandparents here today with a group of senior cits from Pinnaroo. It was good to catch up with them again. We've been thinking about you a lot and wish you only the very best. Your achievements so far have been remarkable. Cheers for now. Xx

  5. I am sure that you have many more great milestones in front of you, but to make them great we have to have periods of mediocrity. Be patient the milestones will return.
